You Signed a Lease – Now What?

During the pandemic, many people decided to get creative about how to bring money into their household. A boom of businesses were born — and with each business came a lot of questions about how to establish the new business.
If one of the decisions you made was to sign a lease on a new office space…congratulations! But now you may be asking yourself, “Now what do I do?!”
The BLR short answer: BRAND IT!
Branding your new location starts with your hi-resolution copy of your logo and color palette. Now the fun really starts!
Your space should be a reflection of your business’ brand and the feeling you want people to get when they enter. Modern, clean, sleek, contemporary, eccentric, farmhouse, etc. The world is your oyster on design. From furniture to wall hangings, rugs to curtains. The list goes on and on. As you design the space, the colors should complement your branded palette. Incorporating into your design should be your logo, taglines/phrases, mission/vision statement . Your customers should be appealed to from every corner of the room.
Need help expanding your branding and messaging? Contact BLR today for a complimentary quote.