What’s the DOOH?
Did you know that the USA is one of the top ranked countries for using DOOH? Which is interesting, but WHAT is DOOH? Let’s break it down…
Digital Out-of-Home advertising, or DOOH.
Everyone who has a television is exposed to advertising through commercials, television banners or infomercials. But, that doesn’t mean that everybody experiences these same advertisements once they leave their home. America is ranked number 4 in consumer exposure when it comes to out-of-home to digital advertising. Countries that outrank the USA are Australia, the UK and Canda.
DOOH’s main goal is to reach the “on the go” consumer in the places they attend most. The advertisements can be found in the airport, bus stops, office buildings, waiting rooms, elevators and malls.
Categories include:
Digital Billboards. Have you noticed the growning number of digital billboards as you drive down your local highways and streets? Traditional, static billboards are quickly being replaced by billboards that allow various messages to be promoted to a multitude of drivers.
Street Furniture. Malls, bus shelters, malls and benches are all areas of street furniture. Next time your driving through your city, take a peek around and see how many kinds of advertisements you can find on the streets.
Transit. If it’s moving, it’s advertising! Taxi’s used to be the first place you would find an advertisement driving down the road, but in today’s society, it can be found everywhere! Check out the car sitting next to you. Does it have a vehicle wrap or business magnet on the side? How about the buses and train station platforms?