Wayfinding can Improve College Campuses

Years ago, if you visited a college campus, you were pretty much on your own when it came to navigating the large campus. With improvements in technology and broader uses of wayfinding, students, parents and faculty have a much easier time to learn the layout of the campus. We previously discussed the four types of wayfinding signage – here, we are going to identify how you can utilize the various types across a college campus to improve the visitor experience.
Imagine how many people are actually on a college campus at any given time. High traffic areas can be overwhelmed with people – which is only complicated by people being unsure of where to go next. In an effort to assist visitors with finding their way, a wayfinding informational display would help people find their way and alleviate the congestion.
Wayfinding identification plaques assist people in knowing if they are in the correct place before they walk in on the wrong class!
If there’s ever an emergency on campus, regulatory signage assists people with knowing how and where to access campus police. Additionally, accessibility signage helps people navigate the campus In a way that best benefits them.
Can you find ways to improve visitor experience and ease of navigating by improving wayfinding signage throughout your facility?