Exploring the world of visual communications

by blrsignsystems | July 12, 2016 | blog
Hyper-Targeting Around the City

What would happen if you could pinpoint exactly who your audience is and market directly to them based on their behaviors?  Well, this is the new reality.  Facebook is a prime example of how you can use analytics to learn what your customers are doing and re-market to specifically those groups. Advancements in technology can… View Article

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by blrsignsystems | July 5, 2016 | blog
University Activities & Lessons With Digital Signage

Universities are well-known for being distributing massive amounts of information to students, faculty and prospective students.  Campuses are filled with cork boards with job and housing information.  Advancements in technology are providing many benefits to universities that can result in saving money and have a bigger impact on students. Up to 70 percent of colleges… View Article

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by blrsignsystems | June 22, 2016 | blog
Master Interactive Digital Signs

Once you’ve set up all the technology-side of the interactive display – it’s time to get people engaged! But, what happens if the content is developed fully? Throwing something together and onto the screen doesn’t mean your customer will get the message. Let’s explore some things that you’ll need to consider: Do not use generic… View Article

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a customers journey: discover, explore, buy, use
by blrsignsystems | June 21, 2016 | blog
A Customer’s Journey

The customer’s Journey consists of 4 major stages: Discover, Explore, Buy and Use. Discover.  Your store’s signage can highlight a product, brand or promotion.  This will help your customers discover new products that they may have never heard of before.  This is perfect for building sales and growing brand loyalty. Explore.  You’ve capture their attention and… View Article

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by blrsignsystems | June 14, 2016 | blog
How Do You Get Around?

Once static placards were the only means of navigating a building or amusement park, but technology is now allowing us to step up the game!  Interactive wayfinders allow people to navigate various floors and directions.  It’s the way of the future.  Will you be left in the past or step your building up to the… View Article

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by blrsignsystems | June 6, 2016 | blog
ICX Summit 2016 Take-Aways

ICX Summit 2016 had many great points this year, but we found some that we think are extremely important.  Reflect Systems tweeted: The average person remembers 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read, but they remember 80% of what they experience. #BMW #ICXSUMMIT This hit home on many levels.  Millenials are bigger than the… View Article

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