Master Interactive Digital Signs
Once you’ve set up all the technology-side of the interactive display – it’s time to get people engaged! But, what happens if the content is developed fully? Throwing something together and onto the screen doesn’t mean your customer will get the message. Let’s explore some things that you’ll need to consider:
- Do not use generic content. Rather than give a fluffy version of what you’re selling, try engaging your customers with things that really get them thinking and involved. What would your customer be interested in knowing and how can you maximize it’s impact quickly?
- Create an easy-to-use interactive display. If your display is too complicated to use, people will lose interest and walk away. For example, the screen may show a beautiful bouquet of flowers and expect the customer to know to touch the screen to get started. But, what happens if the customer just thinks the image is beautiful and doesn’t realize it is interactive? Think like your customer. Add a “Touch here” button for people to know they can get involved!
- Tell WHY. Is your product something that your customers KNOW they need or PLANNED on purchasing today? If not, it’s important for your message to explain why they have a problem/need and how your product is the solution to their newly discovered problem.
- Don’t make it embarrassing! Make sure your interactive display isn’t over-the-top loud which may cause your customer to walk away out of embarrassment. Make sure the volume is at a level that is audible but is private enough for your user.
- Be aware of size and brightness. Your screen size and brightness level shouldn’t be hindered by budget! Be aware of what the size of your screen is going to attract – too small and you lose people being aware – too large and you could overwhelm the customer. If the screen goes black, your entire message is lost! Be cognizant of these issues before you deploy.