Jump into a Van Gogh

Beginning in 2017, people across the world had an opportunity to jump into a Vincent Van Gogh painting. The Van Gogh Exhibit: The Immersive Experience is a 3-dimensional, interactive display that includes wall art, storytelling installations, and digital displays timed perfectly to the auditory story of Van Gogh’s life. As you step into a large room filled with digital displays spanning from the walls to the screens set up in the middle of the room – you’re engulfed with the awe-inspiring artwork spiraling all around you.
This immersive experience is a one-of-a-kind treat to the sensation with 15,000 square feet of screens and 360 degree projections. If you haven’t had an opportunity to check it out, there are still some cities offering this experience.
While the immersive experience is meant to be all encompassing, businesses across the country have begun moving towards dynamic workplace experiences that bring employees, and customers, a sense of joy. How can you bring a more immersive experience into your work environment?
Contact BLR to bounce around ideas and receive a custom quote.