In-store Video Marketing

Many businesses have faced the challenge this past year to either innovate or be shut down.
Expectations to meet health and safety guidelines while also hitting revenue goals have created a tension to manage for what seems like years to come. Making the choice to limit capacity to adhere to social distancing guidelines and prioritize focus on directional signage has monopolized the business owner’s focus, leaving little room for a growth mindset. Many patrons have been encouraged to become more efficient in their shopping and dining experiences for the sake of the greater good. These methods may help a business stay open, but not necessarily grow.
Marketing and upselling are strategies that influence the customer to look outside of their efficient shopping or dining list and promote a growth mindset for the business. Many companies are using Digital Signage to perform these strategies. The use of a video screen strategically located in a store that demonstrates the notion of “what others are also buying” is an innovative way to encourage the individual to consider purchasing more. Demonstration videos for “how to use” guidance on a product has also provided education and opportunity or the customer to shop outside of their task list and consider new or additional products.
The use of digital marketing within the store at the checkout lane has also increased the shopper’s awareness for other products they may need as well as promotional offers or upcoming sales to remember. These strategies are also beneficial in an age where many are digitally streaming their entertainment and thus less exposed to marketing commercials.
Contact BLR Visual Communications for a complimentary consultation, and find out how your business could benefit from digital signage.