Golfland Sunnyvale Upgrades to Illuminated Channel Letters

Golfland Sunnyvale, located at 855 E. El Camino Real, worked with BLR to renovate its pylon sign, transitioning from its original 1980s design to a modern, eye-catching display. BLR replaced the older signage with state-of-the-art, RGB-controlled illuminated channel letters for “GOLFLAND,” “ARCADE,” and the arrow signage.
The new letters are vibrant and dynamic, can change colors, and add a lively visual element to the sign. BLR replaced the arrow graphic with RGB-controlled illumination that complements the overall design.
One of the key features of the updated pylon sign is the inclusion of a 5′ x 9″ 10mm LED display. This high-resolution LED screen can showcase various messages, graphics, and animations, enhancing the sign’s visibility and attracting attention during the day and night.
The Golfland Sunnyvale pylon sign now blends advanced technology with modern aesthetics, creating a prominent and engaging landmark that will continue attracting fun lovers of all ages.