Digital signage innovations are helping to ease customer stress during the pandemic

There are so many things to worry about when someone steps out their door to
shop amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Aside from now having to equip yourself with a
face mask for safety, the overall experience of shopping has become riddled with
anxieties many regarding their personal safety. Advancements in digital signage are
creating innovative ways to address these personal safety concerns, specifically
regarding mask detection and hand sanitizer.
Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer has been the center focus for many businesses as they struggle
to maintain their inventory and keep their customers safe. Digital signage is helping by
creating visual advertising and information while also helping customers to stay safe
and keep their hands clean. They do this by offering hand sanitizer as an add-on.
Some companies have even created models that have optional temperature check
capabilities, and a UV light to automatically clean touchscreens and keypads. These are
not only measures businesses can take to improve customer experience, but they also
automate some of the processes that employees would have to do and potentially risk
themselves being exposed to the virus.
Mask Detection
Digital signage companies are utilizing technology to move into the future and
help contain the pandemic and one of its most amazing applications of this is in mask
detection. Facial recognition software and hardware are used to detect whether a
customer is wearing a mask or not. There even are advancements including an
intelligent face mask and body temperature detection system that can be integrated with
access controls to allow businesses to automate their doors to close when someone
tries to enter maskless or even sound an alarm.
These innovations were made with customer experience in mind. This is a way
for businesses to give their customers a little more peace of mind. Knowing that they
can safely shop will help everyone have a little less anxiety amid a global pandemic.