“Customer Life Journey” From Digital Signage
Learning is the epicenter of growth; which is why BLR is committed to continual learning, growing and improving on our craft. We came across the “Customer Life Journey” on the DigitalSignageToday.com site and thought this was the perfect tidbit to share with you.
Your customers first need to realize they have a need before they can engage in the research phase. Once they begin researching they will be able to narrow down the options based on their needs and wants from a product or service. They select a brand (hopefully yours) and then make a purchase. HOORAY!
The next crucial steps are that your customer now needs to receive the product, use it and continue to use the product/service. Once they realize how much they love your product, they can now refer and recommend your brand and product/service. This means more business coming your way!!
But how do you assist the customer in their ‘life journey’? ENGAGE, ENGAGE, ENGAGE! With great content and interactive signage. That’s where BLR Visual Communications comes in! 😉