Create a Successful Reopening System

A smooth transition to re-opening is vital to the long-term success of businesses. The health and safety of employees and customers must be at the forefront of your reopening plans to ensure they return time and time again. Digital signage can you play an important role in reopening procedures. Here are some ways that digital signage can help businesses make a smooth transition into reopening:
- Usage of signage in high traffic areas to remind people to social distance, wear a mask and or any other regulations that may be in place in your local community
- Imagery is more powerful than text – use appealing and eye-catching graphics
- Use a hand washing symbol next to sinks
- Add a face wearing a mask graphic next to entryways
- Use imagery of people with an arrow in between to represent 6 feet apart for social distancing
- Utilize arrows to represent which way people should walk down aisles
- Use digital wayfinding machines to direct traffic
- Allow digital signs to alert people when it is their turn to go next to limit exposure to more people
- Use thermal scanning devices to provide distance temperature checks
How else do you plan to utilize digital signage in your reopening efforts?