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Digital temperature readers work from a distance
by blrsignsystems | January 26, 2021 | blog
Digital Temperature Reading – From a Distance

Some businesses have started taking temperature of patrons with a digital thermometer. The receptionist who has to take the temperature is near inches away from the person entering the building. If this person was infected with COVID-19, the receptionist is now at risk. In an effort to eliminate the need for the receptionist to take… View Article

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Enable a Smart Workplace, but COVID safe
by blrsignsystems | January 19, 2021 | blog
Enable a Smart Workplace

Over the years we’ve become accustomed to smart phones and smart TVs, but now we have to look at the smart workplace. In an effort to provide a safe working experience, technology is becoming an even larger factor than it once was. Contactless once meant the individuals did not need to interact which led to… View Article

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Keep social distance sign on chairs in waiting room
by blrsignsystems | January 12, 2021 | blog
Create a Sense of Workplace Security (with Signage)

The workplace was once a place where you socialized with coworkers, employees and bosses. Today, the workplace will still need socialization to maintain normalcy and a healthy mindset, but it will need to be setup in a way that promotes 6-feet of social distancing. Social areas can be set with chairs further apart or where… View Article

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digital signs in property management
by blrsignsystems | October 27, 2020 | blog
Digital Signs in Property Management

Digital Signs Can Ease the Costs of Signs in Property Management As technology paves the way into the future, many of the old “brick and mortar” methods are being replaced with digital solutions. Digital signage is no exception. It is an effective and modern way to make communication with both clients and staff easier and… View Article

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digital signage aid in real estate - "Modern Sleek"
by blrsignsystems | October 20, 2020 | blog
Five Great Ways Digital Signage Can Aid A Real Estate Agency

A real estate company will be more successful if there is ample communication between clients and brokers. In the past, this would have been done through a variety of different paper and brick and mortar signs. Today, digital signs can replace old signs and automate communication processes in a real estate agency. Here are five… View Article

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benefits digital signs during pandemic
by blrsignsystems | October 13, 2020 | blog
Benefits of Digital Signs During the Pandemic

Digital Signage Can Help Your Business Protect Staff and Customers from Infection Digital signs and kiosks can help businesses more easily communicate with both customers and staff. The COVID-19 pandemic has provided new challenges for business owners as they now must deal with mask mandates and hand hygiene compliance. This is where innovative digital signage… View Article

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