Branded COVID Messaging

At the beginning of the pandemic, companies rushed out to send out branded messages of COVID safety, rules and regulations, distancing signage, etc. How did these messages impact their messaging efforts? According to, researchers reviewed 80 spring campaigns and found that the branded messaging fell into four categories: direct engagement, indirect engagement, direct disengagement and indirect disengagement.
Direct Engagement
These messages capitalized on how their business was directly helping to fight COVID-19. Examples include companies who produced their own PPE for use.
Indirect Engagement
Indirect engagement showed the business managing COVID-19 by helping the community. This could be providing food to a food bank or providing logistical support for testing centers.
Direct Disengagement
These messages showed how a business helps others fight COVID-19 with news outlets praising them for providing materials (ie: 3D printers) so others could produce and provide PPE.
Indirect Disengagement
Indirect disengagement is messaging that shows how a business is helping others to manage COVID-19. Examples include fundraising platforms that offered free consultations on how to raise funds.
Did you create branded messaging around COVID-19? Which type did you use?
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