5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Digital Signage
1. Integrate Digital Signage with Current Marketing Materials.
During your initial stages for planning to implement digital signage, make sure to think about the full scope of your design. Your new digital signage should fit in seamlessly with your brand’s existing design elements and brand messaging. Don’t forget who you’re targeting!
2. Make it Move!
Customers have learned to “tune out” the traditional static imagery that stores have placed around their building. Take this opportunity to use eye-catching animations that will keep your customers engaged.
3. Allow for Interaction.
If possible, create an interactive digital display that will keep your customers engaged with the brand for as long as possible. Have you walked past an Apple store? Think about how many people pop in simply to interact with the latest technology. What could this type of hype do for your store and sales?
4. Know your Audience.
Think about the placement of your digital signage. Are customers walking by quickly, on an escalator or waiting in an office? How will this affect your ability to marketing to them? Keep in mind what the most appropriate font size will be for the conditions provided along with how quickly the text and items should move or scroll.
5. Refresh your Content.
How often will your customers see your digital signage? If they see the message on a weekly basis, then refresh your message more frequently to reduce the amount of “tuning out” people will do. The idea is to keep customer engagement and views at an all time high for an extended period of time.