3 Things To Look Out For When Creating Digital Content
Have you ever seen a sign that at first glance you couldn’t figure out and your brain was instantly confused trying to determine what was happening? This is a classic mistake that we, at BLR, want to help you avoid with these tips on things to look out for when creating digital content!
1. What Was That?!
You have just seconds to make an impression on your viewer to capture their attention. If it takes too long for the viewer to recognize a brand, an image or what your text is saying – you’ve lost them! To keep their attention try less clutter, legible fonts and wide spacing. By drawing their eye to your visuals, you have a much better chance of keeping their attention and getting your message across!
2. What Is Happening Here?!
Movement is more likely to grab the attention of a passerby, but be careful about the amount of movement on the screen. Too much movement can be distracting and hard to make out. Again, simplicity is key! Use animations or small movements to create a BIG impression.
3. Yuck, Look Away!
With moves towards 4K and everything in High-Definition – we are being trained to look for quality. If your digital signage imagery is low-resolution, blurry or pixelated…your audience will notice! Use clean, crisp lines and high-resolution images to POP off the screen at your viewers and gain their attention.